My Question at the WAT Conference that won me the iPhone

Posted by Rahul Sethi on 5:15 PM

I went to WATBlog's panel discussion yesterday and i won an iPhone 3G (thanks to AirMe)

I won because i blogged and tweeted about the event and i also asked a question that the Panel liked.

So my question was:

"If you look at the ad spend figures for India keeping in mind Internet and Mobile combined, they stand at 4% - the combined figure for ad spends with respect to print and TV are at 70%+. The adoption of the Internet and Mobile mediums are obviously much more than the amount of money that's spent on them so is ubiquity the only guarantee for Indian Advertisers? And if ubiquity is the only guarantee for Indian advertisers then how are we going to achieve that ubiquity? If you take into account the ubiquity of the internet all over the World (from a country perspective)  then the Internet Boom and subsequently the rush of investor money to create services and more importantly deploy hardware by the laying of undersea cables actually led to most of the World being connected. Once the bubble burst - these cables were available at throwaway prices which empowered a lot of businesses the World over and changed the business scenario. So for ubiquity of digital services in India, will we go this way? Will we need this kind of a frenzied over investment in digital in this country to really make it reach everyone's mindspace or will we learn from that kind of an episode and be extremely overcautious? And how will that affect ubiquity?"

By the way - the question wasn't worded exactly in the same way but it was something to this effect.


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