Social Media Marketeers Should Pick Up a Lot From the Radio Guys

Posted by Rahul Sethi on 3:08 PM

Social media conversational marketeers can learn a lot from the radio. It really has evolved as a medium over the last few years in india and they've become awesome at figuring out conversations that capture the pulse of the average 'metro' Indian. So they combine news with a 'gossipy' angle and then run a brand contest around it by sparking multiple sms ins and call ins. In 6 months i see social media conversational marketing at this stage as well. More brands will hopefully be willing to experiment with this radio of letters and it can become a marketing medium that mushrooms over time. Couple that with the power of sms community platforms such as sms gupshup and mytoday and it can really become a creative as well as more sticky medium.

The really awesome radio campaign that i remember was carried out by radio one previously called go 92.5 fm. They had jaggu go on a diet and he had to hit a certain mark by staying healthy so everyday there were tips, discussions et al - a lot of 'food' for content. The whole campaign was sponsored by Saffola (they got mentions within conversations as well) and it really cemented saffola's status as the healthy oil for healthy people. No idea how much they paid though - anyone?

This is something that social media technologies can enable brands to experiment with online. The audience is large enough. Roadies has done something interesting. There can be multiple variations to it i think.

major difference between radio and social media is that on radio even though you hear audience voices, they are selective. On social media, everyone has a voice so you have to be conversationally tactful - always. Radio is local. Social media is national and often international (though i dont see as much inter geographical community mixing as one would like)


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